Purfurvid Home

simonPedigree of:

GP Quadpaw's
Simple Simon
of Purfurvid

Black & White Bicolor male

Simon granded in one show
at Americans West, 3/27 & 3/38 of 1999!!

Thank you, Arlene Sanders, for "Simon"!
(Sadly, Arlene passed away on 4-7-02 and is dearly missed)

More pictures of Simon

			GC Currle Cats Carry On
		GC Anz Nicholas Nickleby, DM
			GC Brownstone Miss Priss of Anz
	Rubyrose Dallas Holmes 
			CH Ziegfield's Red Lion of Pattypaws
		Pattypaws Dimple Toes of Rubyrose 	
			Biloe's Cupcake of Pattypaws
GC Rubyrose Daniel of Killen 	
			Mashala Tail Spin	
		CH Mashala On Target of Rubyrose 	
			Painted Paws Eclipse of Mashala
	GC Rubyrose Psalm, DM 
			CH Sunpatch Gambler of Rubyrose			
		Rubyrose Perhaps, DM 	
			Mashala May-Bee of Rubyrose	
			CH,GP Kikicat's Anointed One
		CH Kikicat Phoenix of Catnippity
			CH Debo's Shasta of Kikicat
	GC Catnippity Ted E. Bear of Purrkay, DM 
			GC Kikicat Latter Rain
		CH Kikicat Storyteller of Catnippity, DM 	
			Kikicat Marantha
GC A-Royale's Sausi Lito of Quadpaws 	
			GC Jadon Baskin-Robbins	
		GC,NW Jadon Geoffrey Beene, DM 	
			Bajonga's Striped Tease of Jadon
	GC Marcus Buttons N'Beaux of A-Royale 
			GC Anz Nicholas Nickleby, DM			
		GC Anz Maggie The Cat, DM 	
			GC Myshadows Miss Markie of Anz, DM

Home / Care of Persian & Exotic Shorthair Cats / Purfurvid Persians
Purfurvid Exotic Shorthairs / Past Pictures / What's Available

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Contents copyright ©1996-2004 Jeanne Scholz-Snyder. All rights reserved.
Jeanne works full time as a web developer creating browser based data-driven web applications.
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