What's Available?
are currently available! Click to see...
Breeder/Show - Breeder and show
quality kittens/cats are available by reservation to serious qualified
show/breeder homes and can be shipped domestically and internationally.
Pets - Kittens and adults looking
for pet homes are also available occasionally and will only be sold with
a spay/neuter contract and can not be shipped. It is my
policy that kittens and adults who will be kept as pets be handled and
seen by their prospective new owners before leaving. It is extremely important
to me that the new owner/s are certain that the particular kitten/adult
is for them, since this kitten/adult will be part of the family. I also
require that the pet kitten/adult be transported by its new owners to
its new home. I'm located in Riverside, California. If you are looking
for an Exotic pet and cannot get to Riverside, please try these links
to locate breeders closer to you:
CatterySearch.com My
Friends' Sites
Please Join My Email List
If you would like to get my announcements regarding available kittens,
new litters, new kitten pictures posted, special news, local shows, and
other information I think would be of interest, please join my email list
hosted by Yahoo! Groups:
or send an email to: purfurvid-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.
You can easily unsubscribe at any time.
Please read our section on Policies, Guarantees,
Shipping, etc..
Thinking of becoming a breeder? Here is an
article to prepare you.
Check out the:

Click above for totes, cups and other stuff featuring pictures of our
Exotic kittens!