Exotic Shorthair cats
are sometimes refered
to as The Lazy Man's Persian, The Working Woman's Persian or The Persian
in PJs because they are in all respects short hair Persians.
in general, have temperaments much like Persians; sweet and easy going,
but they tend to be a bit more active, sillier and more intelligent than
Persians. Some Exotics may be reserved until they get to know you. Once
they trust you, they are likely to beg for your affection or find amusing
ways to get your attention.
Because of their short
coats, Exotic Shorthairs are easier to maintain. However, their coats are thick
and plush and they do shed like other short coated cats. Combing
and bathing is recommended, especially during a shedding cycle.
When a breeder produces
Exotics, long haired kittens can result. This is because the long hair
gene is recessive, and both Persians and long haired Exotics can be used
in Exotic breeding programs. CFA is the only association where Exotics
and Persians are registered as seperate breeds and long haired progeny from Exotic
Shorthair cats are not eligible for championship. In all other associations,
long haired kittens resulting from an Exotic Shorthair breeding are considered
For more information about Exotic Shorthair cats, please
be sure to read
Exotic Shorthair article at the Cat
Fanciers Assocation Web Site and see the other links listed below.
GC Larpa Dark Secret I am very
excited and so grateful to Pat Helmick who has let Secret come to stay
with us temporarily. Secret is a very handsome black exotic shorthair
boy who is litter brother to
GC NW Larpa Curses of Marcus. Thank you very much to Pat for helping
me get my exotic program going and for her advise and friendship over
the past 12 or so years! Secret is now retired, neutered and in a wonderful
pet home!
Corsica's Lit of Purfurvid A huge Thank You to Diana Quintana
for this delightful boy, as well as, two other girls below! Diana has
been such a great friend and mentor. I can't begin to thank her enough
for all her help, support and advise. Lit (pictured to the right, ©
2001 Chanan) is an adorable rolly polly red mackerel tabby exotic
shorthair male. He's round round round all over and such a sweet and comical
boy! He is also homozygous for shorthair! Lit is grand pointed.
Purfurvid Counting Crows Crow (pictured to the right, ©
2003 Chanan) is our very first Exotic grand champion. He granded at
the Americans West Cat Club show in Del Mar, March 2003. A big thank you
to all the judges that loved him: Bob Salisbury, Carolyn Osier, Betty
Denny and Bob Zenda! Crow is a sweet lovey dovey laid back guy and the
son of GC Larpa Dark Secret.
Satterlee King Creole of Corsica Thank You again Diana
Quintana! This time for allowing us to temporarily borrow this sweet laid
back boy! Twitt is an agouti red tabby exotic shorthair. He's short bodied
with big eyes and a big round head!
Purfurvid Mystical Mousey (pictured to the left, ©
2004 Chanan) granded in October 2004 at the SW Regional Qualifier
Show! He's a big ole rolly polly guy with big funny feet and a heart of
gold! His daddy is CH Purfurvid Mr. Bigg a black
and white bicolor persian, and his mom is Corsica's
Clash, a bluecream exotic shorthair.
Toro of Purfurvid Here's our latest addition! Baby Toro
arrived August 27, 2004 and is so short, cobby and cute!!
A huge Thank You to Natalja Vavilova of
Cattery in Latvia for this sweet love bug!!
(To be updated soon!)
Purfurvid Pink
Pink (pictured to the right, © 2002 Chanan) was our first home
grown show exotic! She loved the shows like no other cat I've owned and
turned on the charm and funny business as soon as she got to the showhall.
Pink is the daughter of GC Larpa Dark Secret
and Bolo Touch of Color. Currently, we have two
lovely daughters from Pink; a black exotic shorthair, CH Purfurvid Enya,
and a blue and white bicolor exotic shorthair, Purfurvid Dido. Look for
pictures of those girls here soon.
Corsica's No Doubt of Purfurvid
Gwen (not pictured here), as I call her, is a huge brown patched mackerel
tabby exotic shorthair female. She has big boning to match her size, huge
round eyes, and a super personality! No Doubt is now living as a pet in
Oopsy Daisey of Purfurvid
Daisey (pictured left, © 2001 Chanan, with GC
Purfurvid Lara Croft) is a darling little extreme, Corsica line bred,
calico exotic female. I can't thank Diana enough for entrusting her to
me! She's a wonderfully compact, cute little princess! Daisey is now living
in a wonderful pet home! Her granddaughter, The Cranberries, is still
with us!
Nunza Sublime of Purfurvid
(pictured to the right, © 2002 Chanan) Big big hugs to Marianne
Behm for this darling white exotic shorthair female and especially Marianne's
friendship! Sublime is a lovely girl with small ears, nice tophead, pretty
expression, big dark copper eyes and is as sweet as she can be!
Ozzy Osbourne of Psymis Ozzy is black male exotic shorthair
from GC Larpa Dark Secret x Fancee That Burndoast of Purfurvid.
Ozzy is not for sale. Please see our Kittens
page for current availability.
Purfurvid kitten A heavy boned baby boy from GC
Purfurvid Counting Crows x Purfurvid Jane's Addiction.
This baby is sold. Please see our Kittens
page for current availability.
Purfurvid Courtney Love Courtney is a dilute calico
female exotic shorthair from CH Corsica's Lit of Purfurvid
x CH Purfurvid Cloe of Quadpaws. Courtney is not for sale.
Please see our Kittens page
for current availability.
Purfurvid The Cranberries Berrie is a non-agouti
red mackerel tabby female exotic shorthair from CH Corsica's
Lit of Purfurvid x Purfurvid California Rose of Nunza.
Berry is not for sale. Please see our Kittens
page for current availability.
CH Purfurvid Kid Rock
Rock is a brown classic tabby male exotic shorthair from CH Corsica's
Lit of Purfurvid x TouchOHeaven's MegKenzie of Purfurvid.
Rock is not for sale. Please see our Kittens
page for current availability.
Purfurvid A Perfect Circle Allie is a brown classic
patched tabby female exotic shorthair from Purfurvid Ozzy Osbourne
of Psymis x Purfurvid Smooth Operator of Psymis. Allie
is not for sale. Please see our Kittens
page for current availability.
Who's tending kittens in the nursery?
To reserve kittens/cats or
if you have questions or comments,
please contact me at:
where I can best be reached Monday thru Friday, 7:00AM to 3:30PM PST
Shorthair Cats at Breedlist.com
Shorthair Breeders at Breedlist.com
Cat Fanciers: Exotic Shorthair: Cat Breed FAQ
Shorthair Cats at CatterySearch.com
I Love
Cats Website - Cat Care
Love Cats Website - Exotic Shorthair Breeders
Cat Fanciers' Association: Breed Profile: Exotic
Persian Cat on 21cats.org
Shorthair Breeders in North America on Google Directory
Kittens on ThePetProfessor.com
Shorthair Cat Breeders on AbsolutelyCats.tripod.com
Cattery Row's Exotic Shorthair Breeders