Purfurvid Home

Pedigree of:


Tortie Exotic Shorthair Female

            Corsica's Comes A Runnin, 7708-1051696
            Dec/18/1997, red tabby & white bicolor
       CH Corsica's Cornelius, 7708-1257264
       Feb/27/1999, black
       |    |
       |    Corsica's Maude, 7747-1148399, May/27/1997
       |    tortoiseshell
CH Corsica's Lit of Purfurvid, 7740M-1328252
Jun/27/2000, red mac tabby
  |    |
  |    |    CH Corsica's Mr Peepers of Uptop
  |    |    7740-1094789, Aug/08/1996, red tabby
  |    |    |
  |    Becton's Patty Cake of Corsica, 7751-1223530
  |    May/01/1998, bluecream
  |         |
  |         GC Becton's Little Polly Flinders
  |         7753-1135209, Mar/14/1997, blue tabby
| Purfurvid Lillix | | GRC Purrteepaws Irad of Fancee That, DM | 0108-652820 | | | GRC RW Fancee That's Raisin' A Ruckus | 0108-996359, black | | | | | GRC Bolo's Unforgettable of Fancee That, DM | | 0147-911859, tortoiseshell | | Fancee That Burndoast of Purfurvid 0109-1241752, black | | GRC Copacats Marque O'Zorro of Cattrax, DM | 0108-481152, black | | CH Cattrax Special Delivery of Bolo, DM 0109-625231, black |
CH Cattrax Chantilly Lace, DM 0109-472593, black

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Jeanne works full time as a web developer creating browser based data-driven web applications.
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